
A school’s academic profile and cost are important considerations when looking for a suitable university, but, of course, you should also feel at home on campus. Studying for four years in another country is not something to take lightly, so it is also important to think carefully about what you want to get out of your studies and what kind of environment you will feel most at home in.


America is, of course, a big country, and with that, you have many options when thinking about the location of your university. Perhaps you have a preference for a particular state, or you want to study in a big city or just outside it in a location with lots of nature in the area. Would you like the university to be well connected to the surrounding area via public transportation or do you not mind if the campus is a bit more isolated?

Type of campus

Also consider what kind of campus you feel comfortable on. America has small, private universities with no more than 1,000 students, very large state universities with 60,000 students, and everything in between. At a small private university, you can expect smaller-scale education. At a larger university, you have more facilities, but you also have to be more independent.

Campus culture

Also look at campus culture. American universities all carry their own identity and thus also attract a certain type of student. Think about what kind of university you feel at home with. Look at how the university presents itself on its website. Through social media channels, you can often get a taste of the campus atmosphere and get an idea of the activities and campus life.

Virtual tours

American students often visit several campuses before making a decision about where to apply. If you live in the Netherlands, this is not always easy. You can consider visiting some campuses during the vacations, but it is also certainly possible to research from the Netherlands. One way to find out more about the character of a university is to meet with representatives of different schools. Nowadays there is a wide range of (virtual) college fairs where you can meet representatives from American universities. Keep an eye on our calendar for events.

EducationUSA Academy

Are you between the ages of 15 and 17 and in the process of looking into getting a bachelor’s degree in the US? Additionally, would you like to experience what an American campus is like and visit different types of campuses? Then the EducationUSA Academy might be for you.

You can attend college prep programs at over 13 US campuses during the summer. Some academies focus on a particular field such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) or business and leadership skills. You will also improve your English, writing and presentation skills, and have the opportunity to visit several campuses in the area.