Informatie voor basisscholen

Bent u werkzaam op een basisschool? Nederlandse scholen kunnen deelnemen aan het wereldwijde Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Program. English Teaching Assistants leveren gedurende het schooljaar een bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van de Engelse taalvaardigheid van leerlingen en voegen een interculturele dimensie toe aan het onderwijs. Alle English Teaching Assistants zijn native speakers, recent afgestudeerd aan een Amerikaanse topuniversiteit en hebben een passie voor onderwijs.

Fulbright ETA Program

Wilt u meer weten over de voorwaarden en kosten van het ETA program en hoe u uw school kunt inschrijven?

Ally, English Teaching Assistant in Monnickendam in 2020

Participating in the Fulbright Program is an experience I would never change. In fact, as an elementary teacher I often reflect back on how opportune it was to be placed in a primary host school. My placement provided me a professionally enriching experience, while at the same time allowed me to broaden my horizons, uncover personal strengths, and discover beautiful friendships.

I had many positive and memorable experiences as I worked with young students individually and in small groups throughout the year. This allowed us to learn about each other and ourselves through new cultures and contexts, helping me gain insight about their personal aspirations to truly build a relationship with all students.

In addition, I was able to provide unique support and build up their confidence in the English language and understanding of the American Culture. While I taught my students English, they taught me valuable skills such as determination, adaptability, and grit. I will never forget the mornings spent with students desiring extra time to practice their English or their eagerness to stick by my side and be a translator when needed. Their willingness to accept me so easily into their school continues to warm my heart and motivates me today as I continue my teaching career in the US.

My coworkers demonstrated empathy, the importance of purposeful collaboration, and were always there for guidance and support in and out of the classroom. My Fulbright experience is something that I still carry with me, and the happiness I felt as a result of such a positive outcome will remain in my heart forever.